"We received very good results better than we expected. He was just very well informed, knew the market very well."
- Jason
"We had very professional results! Great turnover as far as reselling our home. Great marketing! I had 8 offers within 3 days!"
- Bill
"We had excellent results! We sold our home very quickly. Kevin came out to the house and discussed the sale with us and gave us some pointers."
- Marcia
"I was very pleased with Kevin and his entire staff. They did a remarkable job processing from the start to finish."
- Jess
Going over everything you need to disclose when selling your home, from location-specific information, material defects, and more.
How you can enhance your curb appeal, declutter and depersonalize, and highlight your home’s key features to have a faster and more profit...
How you can prepare for the spring market by planning ahead, budgeting your time, and getting in early.
What you need to know about our normalizing real estate market, including home prices, supply, and more.
I explain why it still makes sense to sell your home during the holidays, from motivated buyers to lower housing inventory.
I explain how you can work with your agent to assume a 4% rate, including finding a list of suitable properties, crafting the right offer,...
The housing market is set to change in 2025, which is why I’m breaking down what the experts are forecasting for interest rates, prices, a...
A lot of homeowners are confused about why they’d ever accept a lowball investor offer, but they provide maximum convenience in exchange f...
Here’s why so many buyers are backing out of deals and how you can use things like a pre-listing inspection to protect your sale.
Going over three key reasons why staging is worth the money and effort, from giving you leverage at negotiations to depersonalizing your h...
How pre-inspections can improve your home’s condition, give you leverage in negotiations, and help you sell your house faster.
Even though our market is slowing down, I’m explaining why we probably aren’t heading for a true buyers market.