"We received very good results better than we expected. He was just very well informed, knew the market very well."
- Jason
"We had very professional results! Great turnover as far as reselling our home. Great marketing! I had 8 offers within 3 days!"
- Bill
"We had excellent results! We sold our home very quickly. Kevin came out to the house and discussed the sale with us and gave us some pointers."
- Marcia
"I was very pleased with Kevin and his entire staff. They did a remarkable job processing from the start to finish."
- Jess
Most of the agents in our industry are transactional instead of relationship-based. Here’s why you should work with one who’s relationsh...
Is having a second basement egress actually as important as recent buzz would have you believe? Today, I’ll address this hot topic.
What’s the dirty little secret no one else will tell you about the real estate industry? I’ll share it with you today.
Why hasn’t your home sold? There are usually three reasons why good homes don’t sell on the market.
Today, I want to answer two common questions I hear from buyers and sellers, respectively.
After thinking about perspective lately, I wanted to share with you the ways that our agents’ experience and perspective can help you na...
A new year is a great opportunity for a fresh start, but you have to be willing to work for it.
Whatever happens with the upcoming tax cuts may have a short-term impact on our real estate market, but it won’t be the end of the world...
How is my team so successful in our industry? Well, it all comes down to the behind-the-scenes work my team members do each day.
Our furnaces may keep us warm during the winter months, but did you know they may also be kicking off carbon monoxide? Here’s what you n...
Mold is huge issue for both the buyer’s and seller’s side, but it may not as pervasive an issue as you think.