"We received very good results better than we expected. He was just very well informed, knew the market very well."
- Jason
"We had very professional results! Great turnover as far as reselling our home. Great marketing! I had 8 offers within 3 days!"
- Bill
"We had excellent results! We sold our home very quickly. Kevin came out to the house and discussed the sale with us and gave us some pointers."
- Marcia
"I was very pleased with Kevin and his entire staff. They did a remarkable job processing from the start to finish."
- Jess
Contrary to popular belief, fall is a great market for both buyers and sellers. Here’s why.
Today I want to share some of the most common mistakes I see buyers and sellers making in their transactions. Knowing what to avoid is i...
If you really want to get ahead in this world, you have to own real estate, and it all starts with planning.
When pricing your home, you should only use Zillow as a starting point. An experienced Realtor or an appraiser will tell you the real va...
The Capital region market is hot right now. But conditions aside, the best time to buy or sell a home is when it works for you.
Whether you’re buying or selling a home, you need an agent to represent you. Not hiring a professional can cost you a lot of time and mo...
Real estate investing is one of the best ways to save for college. I have a personal example to show just how well it works.